Marmite SCUM Server Rules

The MARMITE SCUM SERVER is a Survival focussed server filled with friendly players. It's a friendly scumland with a big handfull of extra zombies/puppets thrown in.

This world is out to get you, angry puppets, robots, wolves, bears or good old-fashioned viruses and infections are all trying to kill you. Simply trying to survive is hard enough.

Build anywhere, but watch for zombies (there are lots of them) and of course baddies. Even though the entire server is filled with friendly players - some are a bit grumpy. These grumpy Baddies might snipe at you while you are on the toilet. Poop Quick and Survive!

The rules are simple –

  • #1 Have Fun. SCUM is a game!
  • Be NICE! (Until it’s time NOT to be nice, of course)
  • Even tho we all like to be friendly, with everything (and everyone) trying to kill you - that friendly stranger could be a baddie. Stranger Danger.
  • Assume everyone is out to get you. Be Cautious. Be Careful. Be Friendly.
  • DAYTIME - with a short ten-minute night time, it's bright and daytime all the time. This means deserted bases have open doors nearly 24 hours a day!
  • The whole map has Mech/Robot Damage at 50%, so guarded installations are more fun to raid. But watch for hostile players, high risk and high reward. Expect to be shot at!

If you meet someone, why not be NICE and help them? If they are rude, then maybe it’s time to not be so nice.

PVE -- what does that mean?

NO BASE DAMAGE and LOCK PICKING BLOCKED. Expect to see other players, interact and help each other. You can build a base anywhere on the map, of course, but it can be robbed if it's not locked. So build it safe and lock it up.

THE WHOLE MAP: I like to make friends and be nice, but you don't have to. Expect the Wild West. Lockup your goodies because bad guys will lockpick. Good guys will help you. Take your chances!

RED ZONE: But if you want to just do a shoot-em-up them head to a red PVP zone. Extra goodies in the red zone but expect to be shot at!

WHITE ZONE: For pure Player vs Environment, communities and builders. players cannot pick players locks in a white zone, but you can be shot. Be careful! If anyone is found running around killing people in a white zone for no reason - they will be banned!

Marmite SCUM Server Rules
